Solar Cell Construction & Working Principle

Solar cell is a device or a structure that converts the solar energy i.e. the energy obtained from the sun, directly into the electrical energy. The basic principle behind the function of solar cell is based on photovoltaic effect. Solar cell is also termed as photo galvanic cell. The electricity supplied by the solar cell is… Read More »

photovoltaic effect & photoelectric effect – how solar panels work

This page explains how solar panels work, actually we shall understand what is photovoltaic effect that causes the light to convert in to the electricity or energy. In fact photovoltaic effect also called photoelectric effect is the effect that causes the production of solar electricity using the specific semiconductor materials. Before looking in depth the process of solar energy… Read More »

Alkaline Battery Evolution Construction & Usage

In new era, alkaline battery is one of the most important and most useful equipment. Normally battery is used where power supply is not regular and where low voltage is required (i.e. lower than supply voltage). Watches, mobiles and many other small equipment’s that require lesser voltage, mainly run on battery. The main advantage of battery is, they can be charged… Read More »

Working Principle of Battery

If we are willing to understand the basic principle of battery properly, first, we should have some basic concept of electrolytes and electron affinity. Actually, when two dissimilar metals or metallic compounds are immersed in an electrolyte, there will be a potential difference produced between these metals or metallic compounds. Hence causing the flow of current which is… Read More »

Importance & Use of Economiser in Thermal Power Plants

Thermal power generation is one of the method that costs high as compared to hydro and other renewable energy methods. Since the fuel burning is involved the wastage of fuel is also high if not properly burned and result is the higher cost of thermal power. The considerable increase of the demand of electricity throughout… Read More »