Working Principle of Battery

If we are willing to understand the basic principle of battery properly, first, we should have some basic concept of electrolytes and electron affinity. Actually, when two dissimilar metals or metallic compounds are immersed in an electrolyte, there will be a potential difference produced between these metals or metallic compounds. Hence causing the flow of current which is… Read More »

what is servo motor – working principal & application

To better understand the servo motor let us first see what is the meaning of term “servo”. The term servo is applicable for any system that uses a feedback mechanism in order to control the required situation. The feedback can be in the form of signals from sensors or limit switches or number of revolutions,… Read More »

Ammeter Function Symbol & Definition

What is an ammeter? Ammeter or ampere meter is an electrical measuring device, which as seen from its nomenclature is useful for the measurement of the ampere i.e. to measure electric current through the circuit. The normal symbol of ampere meter is capital A mentioned inside a circle. This is the way ammeter is symbolized… Read More »

Understanding Alternating Current or AC Current

The electricity which we use at home is normally the alternating current or AC. AC current is result of alternation of the generator armature or alternator. The electricity or current flows in one direction and then reverse direction. Each cycle in AC current consists of a positive and a negative alternation. During AC generation waveform produced… Read More »

Single phase and 3 phase power comparison

As a new electrical student or a common man this questions comes in mind that why we prefer 3 phase power system. In recent years 3 phase electric wiring has become common and mostly used worldwide for power generation, power transmission, distribution and three phase engines or motors. A single-phase electric power supply is the… Read More »