Electric Current Electric Charge & Electromagnetism

Very basic question which an electrical student or professional may be asked is what is electric current and electric charge. The electric current is actually the flow of electric charge from one point to other point of the conductor or wire or cable. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a… Read More »

Ideal Transformer Equations

An ideal transformer is a theoretical, linear transformer that is lossless and perfectly coupled; that is, there are no energy losses and flux is completely confined within the magnetic core. Perfect coupling implies infinitely high core magnetic permeability and winding inductance and zero net magneto-motive force. Ideal transformer equations By Faraday’s law of induction:  (1) Where… Read More »

Introduction of Distribution Electrical Transformers – How Transformer Works?

In general understanding electrical distribution transformers are used to reduce primary system voltages (which is normally 2.4-34.5kV) to the level of utilization voltages i.e. 120- 600V. International electrotechnical commission standards do not distinguish between distribution electrical transformers and power transformer. They are all power electrical transformers in the sense that their purpose is to transmit… Read More »

Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction

FARADAY’S LAW OF ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION According to the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, emf gets induced in the rotor. As the rotor circuit is closed one so, the current starts flowing in the rotor. This currents called the rotor current. This rotor current produces its own flux called rotor flux. Since this flux is produced… Read More »

Introduction of Control Engineering | Closed Loop Open Loop Control Systems

Control system engineering is the branch of engineering which deals with the principles of control theory to design a system which gives desired behavior in a controlled manner. A controlled system consists of highly integrated coordination of mechanical, electrical, chemical, metallurgical, electronic or pneumatic elements. System Control engineering deals with diverse range of dynamic systems which… Read More »

Transformers Maintenance & EMF Equation of a Transformer

Power transformer is most costly and essential equipment of an electrical system. It is well known fact that power transformers are the heart of the power systems which enables to establish very large power systems networks. Failure of any transformer will create critical situation in power distribution network hence extra attention is required in commissioning,… Read More »