O&M Manual For 48 V DC Battery & Charger for 11KV Switchgear | Emerson Chloride

By | October 9, 2016

You can download the o&m manual or operation manual for 48 V DC Battery & Charger  for 11KV Switchgear which is given for Chloride models and provided by Emerson Network Power. Download Link for o&m manual is given at the end of this page which contains full detail about the operating instruction of the battery charger.

The Charger incorporates the necessary controls, instruments and indicators to allow the operator to monitor the system status and performance and take any appropriate action. Furthermore, interfaces are available, which allow extended monitoring and control, as well as service functions.

The Charger has three Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to indicate the overall system operation status as well as the condition of the sub-assemblies. These LEDs interact with the active mimic diagram displayed on the graphical display.



For a single charger:

  1. Starting situation. All switches, breakers and isolators “OFF”.
  2. Switch Primary Supply ON. Close AC input switch or circuit breaker.
  3. The LCD display board shall lit and begin an initialisation sequence for 10 seconds.
  4. Push on “1” control push button for one second to start the charger on front door display if the charger block shows an initial “OFF state”.
  5. Charger output voltage will increase to normal.
  6. Use a hand held test meter to check :
  7. Charger voltage
  8. Battery voltage
  9. If both previous voltages are correct in amplitude and polarity, switch battery isolator ON

System is now powered up.

Emergency shutdown

To be used in the event of an emergency such as fire or casualty.

CAUTION : This procedure interrupts the load.

For a single charger :

  1. Switch battery isolators OFF.
  2. Push on “0” control push button for 2 seconds to stop the charger on the front door display.
  3. Switch Primary Isolators OFF. Open Q3.

External Links:

Chloride FP-40R Rectifier – battery charger

Chloride CP-70R 30 Rectifier-Charger 16 to 2500 A – 3ph input


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